Virtual Assistant Cost: Calculating Ideal Hourly Costs 2024

Virtual Assistant Cost: Calculating Ideal Hourly Costs 2024

When you finally break that barrier and understand the value a virtual assistant can bring to your business, you feel ready to conquer the world. You start looking for experienced professionals to take over the burdens of everyday tasks. Just when you think you have it all figured out, the baffling thoughts of high virtual assistant costs start taking over.

Yes, we understand that “how much will a virtual assistant cost ” is a big dilemma of this process, especially for those who are a newbie to this concept. Figuring out the price tag for their service is like tackling a mini business deal itself where you have to work out a lot of things.

So put those calculators away as our article is here to fully guide you through this. We will cover all the A to Zs of virtual assistant costs, break down the key factors, and cover some genius ways to keep those digits low. By the end, you will have those accurate figures to invest in this fruitful yet underrated assist.

What Is The Typical Cost Of A Virtual Assistant

The cost of a virtual assistant can vary quite a bit. On average, you can find virtual assistants charging anywhere from $2 to $100 per hour. Yes, it's a pretty broad range but you'll usually find most virtual assistants somewhere between $15 to $30 per hour. If you hire a virtual assistant from the US as a full-time employee, it will cost you around $36,000 to $68,000 per year.

The reason for this rate variation boils down to different factors. You have experienced virtual assistants on one end and then you have the less seasoned ones. Naturally, the experienced virtual assistant will ask for more. The skills they bring to the table, where they live, the type of tasks they handle, and a lot of other reasons also play a role in determining the cost of hiring virtual assistants.

We'll talk about these factors in a bit but first, let's break down the cost for different types of virtual assistants:

Virtual Assistant Type

Major Responsibilities

Average Hourly Rate (US Market)

Virtual Executive Assistant

  • Provides administrative support to executives and top-level management.
  • Acts as a gatekeeper, filtering communication and prioritizing tasks.

$12 - $35 per hour

Administrative Virtual Assistant

  • Handles email management, calendar management, and data entry.
  • Manages travel arrangements and booking appointments.

$10 - $25 per hour

Social Media Management Virtual Assistant

  • Manages and schedules social media posts.
  • Engages with followers and responds to messages and comments.

$15 - $25 per hour

Content Creation Virtual Assistant

  • Writes blog posts, articles, and website content.
  • Creates graphics, images, and videos for online content.

$20 - $40 per hour

Customer Support Virtual Assistant

  • Responds to customer inquiries and resolve issues.
  • Manages online chat and support tickets.

$15 - $25 per hour

eCommerce Virtual Assistant

  • Manages product listings and updates on eCommerce platforms.
  • Handles order processing and fulfillment.

$8 - $25 per hour

Research Virtual Assistant

  • Conducts online research on various topics.
  • Gathers data and compiles reports.

$20 - $40 per hour

Marketing Virtual Assistant

  • Assists with marketing campaigns and advertising.
  • Manages email marketing and lead generation.

$15 - $35 per hour

Personal Virtual Assistant

  • Helps with personal tasks like appointment reminders.
  • Assists with household management.

$8 - $20 per hour

Real Estate Virtual Assistant

  • Manages property listings and coordinates property viewings.
  • Assists with real estate transactions and paperwork.

$20 - $40 per hour

Bookkeeping & Accounting Virtual Assistant

  • Handles bookkeeping and financial record-keeping.
  • Assists with expense tracking and budgeting.

$15 - $40 per hour

Project Management Virtual Assistant

  • Assists with project planning and coordination.
  • Tracks project progress and deadlines.

$25 - $50 per hour

Event Planning Virtual Assistant

  • Helps with organizing and coordinating events.
  • Manages guest lists and RSVPs.

$10 - $30 per hour

Legal Virtual Assistant

  • Assists with legal research and document preparation.
  • Handles administrative tasks in a legal office.

$25 - $50 per hour

Human Resources Virtual Assistant

  • Assists with recruitment and candidate screening.
  • Handles HR administrative tasks.

$15 - $25 per hour

How To Calculate Total Virtual Assistant Cost

Sure, hiring a virtual assistant has become all the more tempting for you. But before you go ahead and hire someone, take a moment and consider the cost. You definitely want to make sure that you're making a smart financial choice. 

So take a breath and let's look at the expenses involved. That way, you'll make a decision that works best for you and your wallet. Trust us, it'll save you some headaches down the road!

1. Estimating Weekly/Monthly Workload

First, you need to figure out how much work you expect the virtual assistant to handle on a weekly or monthly basis. Let's say you estimate that your virtual assistant will work 20 hours per week or around 80 hours per month.

2. Factoring In Holidays & Time Off

Keep in mind that your virtual assistant is human too and will need time off for holidays and vacations. Let's assume there are 4 public holidays in a month. On average, this will be 2 days off per month. So we'll deduct 2 x 8 hours (assuming an 8-hour workday) from the total monthly hours: 80 hours - 16 hours = 64 hours of productive work.

3. Considering Potential Overtime Costs

Depending on the workload, there will be times when your virtual assistant needs to put in extra hours. Let's say that your virtual assistant agrees to work overtime occasionally and the overtime rate is 1.5x times their regular hourly rate. If we expect an average of 5 hours of overtime per month, the calculation is: 5 hours x (hourly rate x 1.5) = 7.5 extra hours.

4. Including Training & Onboarding Expenses

If you're hiring a virtual assistant who's new to your specific tasks or tools, you need to invest some time and resources in training and onboarding. Consider any expenses related to that, like training materials or the time you'll spend guiding them. Say you estimate this to be 10 hours in the first month.

5. Currency Conversion Fees

If your virtual assistant is located in a different country and you pay them in a different currency, there will be currency conversion fees involved. Normally it is a 2% fee on the total monthly payment.

6. Platform Fees

Many freelance virtual assistants work through online platforms or agencies. These platforms charge a fee for connecting you with their pool of assistants. For this example, let's assume a 5% platform fee.

7. Taxes & Legal Implications

Remember that you will be responsible for deducting taxes or complying with other legal requirements, depending on your jurisdiction and the status of your virtual assistant (employee vs. independent contractor). Let's assume a 15% tax rate on the virtual assistant's earnings.

Now let's put it all together and calculate the total cost for the virtual assistant services:

  • Monthly Workload: 80 hours (before factoring in time off)
  • Time Off: 2 days x 8 hours = 16 hours
  • Productive Work Hours: 80 hours - 16 hours = 64 hours
  • Overtime: 7.5 hours
  • Training & Onboarding: 10 hours
  • Total Billable Hours: 64 hours + 7.5 hours + 10 hours = 81.5 hours

Assuming the virtual assistant's hourly rate is $20:

Total Base Payment: 81.5 hours x $20/hour = $1,630

Currency Conversion Fee: 2% x $1,630 = $32.60

Platform Fee: 5% x $1,630 = $81.50

Taxes: 15% x $1,630 = $244.50

Total Cost: $1,630 + $32.60 + $81.50 + $244.50 = $1,988.60

So the total cost of hiring the virtual assistant service for a month would be approximately $1,988.60.

5 Factors Affecting Virtual Assistant Cost

Remember how we promised to discuss the factors that influence virtual assistant rates? Well, the wait is finally over. Let’s take a look at 5 key elements that play a vital role in determining the price tag of your virtual assistant.

I. Skill Level & Expertise

Virtual Assistant Cost - Essential Skills For Virtual Executive Assistant
Image Source

You know how it goes – the more skills they have up their sleeve, the higher the price tag will be. If you need someone who can do web development, graphic design, or legal research, you need to shell out a bit more. But it's worth it if they can tackle those tricky tasks like a pro.

On the flip side, if you need someone for more routine tasks like scheduling or basic admin work, you can probably find someone with a lower rate. Just make sure they have the skills you need to get the job done right.

II. Location Of The Virtual Assistant

Different countries have different living costs and currency exchange rates which impact how much virtual assistants cost you. Virtual assistants from countries with higher costs of living, like the US, Canada, or Western Europe, will ask for higher rates than those from developing countries. 

To give you an idea, here are the 3 most expensive countries for hiring virtual assistants:

  • Australia: $42,329 average annual salary.
  • The US: $41,572 average annual salary.
  • The UK: $35,857 average annual salary.

The 3 most affordable countries for hiring virtual assistants are:

  • India: $2,320 average annual salary.
  • Brazil: $4,018 average annual salary.
  • Philippines: $4,710 average annual salary.

But that doesn't automatically mean one is better than the other. It's just a reflection of the cost of living and wage expectations in different parts of the world.

If you're trying to save some cash and cost is a big concern, get a virtual assistant from a place where living costs are lower. But don't forget to consider language proficiency and cultural fit too, especially if you're dealing with someone from a different part of the world. 

III. Language Proficiency

The virtual assistant’s language proficiency can have a big impact on the cost of hiring one. If you need someone who can communicate fluently in your language or with specialized industry-specific jargon, you have to loosen those purse strings.

It becomes even more important if you're running a business with international clients. You need someone who knows more than how to say hello and goodbye in different languages. So if you're looking for international virtual assistants who are fluent in rare languages or require specialized skills and knowledge, expect to pay a premium.

IV. Urgency

You have a sudden surge in tasks or maybe your current VA bailed on you at the last minute. In situations like these, you need to find a replacement ASAP. When there's a sense of urgency, the cost of hiring a virtual assistant rises because you're paying for the convenience and speed of getting someone on board quickly.

On the other hand, if you plan and have time, you can take it slow and look for the perfect fit without feeling rushed. This way, you have the chance to negotiate a better rate or explore various options.

V. Contract Type

The contract type you choose will have a big say in how much you pay for your virtual assistant. So think about your needs, how long you'll need assistance, and how much flexibility you require before signing on that dotted line.

When hiring a virtual assistant, you have various contract options to choose from and each has its quirks when it comes to costs. Let's break it down:

  • Hourly: A popular choice if you are hiring a freelance virtual assistant. You pay for the actual time spent working on your tasks. This is great when your workload fluctuates or if you need assistance for specific, short-term projects. 
  • Project-Based: If you have a specific project or task that needs completing, you can opt for a project-based contract. Here, you agree on a set fee for the whole project. This can be handy when you know exactly what you need and want to avoid any surprises in the cost department.
  • Part-Time/Full-Time: Now if you've got a boatload of tasks and need someone to be available consistently, you can go for part-time or full-time contracts. Naturally, full-time arrangements can cost more but they come with the advantage of having a dedicated assistant.

7 Proven Methods To Keep The Virtual Assistant Cost Low

Let’s look into some more money-saving best practices when it comes to working with virtual assistants.

A. Properly Define Tasks & Provide Clear Instructions

Virtual Assistant Cost - Task Delegation Best Practices
Image Source

If you hire a virtual assistant and throw a bunch of tasks their way without giving proper directions, chaos will ensue and you end up paying for work that misses the mark. 

To keep those costs low, properly define the tasks you want your VA to handle. 

Be as clear as crystal about what you expect. Break down the tasks into manageable steps, and if needed, provide examples or templates to guide them. The more precise you are, the fewer chances there are for misunderstandings or reworks.

Stay in touch with your virtual assistant regularly to answer questions, provide feedback, and ensure everything is on track. A well-defined task with clear instructions saves time and prevents costly mistakes.

B. Prioritize Tasks

Before you start piling on tasks, prioritize them. Identify which tasks are urgent, which ones have deadlines, and which ones are more long-term projects. This way, you can guide your virtual assistant to focus on the most critical and time-sensitive tasks first.

When you ensure the most critical tasks get tackled first, you prevent your VA from spending too much time on less important jobs while important tasks lag behind. Keeping the VA focused on top-priority tasks means you get maximum value for your money.

C. Use Task Batching & Time-Blocking Techniques

Virtual Assistant Cost - Task Batching
Image Source

Group similar tasks together and have your VA tackle them all at once. For instance, if you need a bunch of emails to be drafted and sent, ask your VA to handle them in one go. This technique is called task batching and reduces context switching and increases efficiency, as they can get into a flow and crank out tasks faster.

Encourage your virtual assistant to set aside specific time blocks for different types of tasks. They can dedicate a couple of hours in the morning to respond to emails and another chunk of time in the afternoon for research tasks. With this time-blocking method, they work more efficiently and optimize their productivity.

When your virtual assistant is more productive, it means they can get more done in less time. That directly translates to a lower overall cost for you.

D. Benefit From Open-Source Software & Tools

Open-source software and tools are your best friend when you're trying to keep those virtual assistant costs in check. These tools can be super handy for your virtual assistant's tasks without costing anything.

For instance, if you need your VA to work on graphic design projects, there are useful open-source alternatives like GIMP for image editing and Inkscape for vector graphics – saving money while still getting the job done.

Then there are productivity tools like project management software, communication platforms, and cloud storage. Many of these offer free plans that can work perfectly for small teams or individual VAs.

E. Use Time Tracking Tools

When you're working with a virtual assistant, tracking their time helps you stay in the loop about how much time they spend on different tasks, ensuring you are getting your money's worth. There are plenty of time-tracking tools that are easy to use and won't break the bank.

Tracking time can help you spot areas where your virtual assistant needs a little guidance or where they're super efficient. This lets them fine-tune their tasks, maximize productivity, and ultimately reduce unnecessary costs.

F. Leverage Offshore Or Lower-Cost Labor Markets

The world is your playground when it comes to hiring a virtual assistant. You are not limited to hiring someone from your local neighborhood or even your country – cast your virtual assistant net far and wide.

One powerful strategy to save on virtual assistant costs is to tap into offshore or lower-cost labor markets. Hiring someone from a country with a lower cost of living means you get assistance at a fraction of the price you'd pay locally. 

Don’t worry about the work quality. There are plenty of skilled virtual assistants around the world who are ready to provide excellent support at competitive rates. It's all about finding the right fit for your needs.

G. Implement Efficient Communication Channels

Communication is the secret sauce to a successful virtual assistant collaboration. It not only saves time but also minimizes misunderstandings and ensures your VA stays on the right track.

Now there are a whole lot of tools at your disposal. We're talking about team chat platforms like Slack and project management tools like Asana or Trello. These channels are bridges connecting you and your virtual assistant, making it easy to share information, discuss tasks, and provide feedback.

When you have efficient communication channels in place, you reduce the chances of miscommunication or missed updates. Remember, the key is to find the right balance – don't go overboard with too many communication tools but ensure you have a reliable way to stay connected and in sync with your virtual assistant.

How Hiring From Pearl Can Help You Keep Virtual Assistant Costs In Check

At Pearl, we're all about being cost-effective. We know startups need to be savvy with their spending and that's why we've designed our services to be super budget-friendly. When you hire a full-time executive assistant through Pearl, the total cost is just $21,750 per year – top-tier support without breaking the bank. That's a fraction of what you'd pay for an in-house assistant or when you hire from some other agency.

Our virtual executive assistants are handpicked from the top 1% of the market. They're all based in the Philippines – a country with a pool of highly skilled and educated professionals who are a perfect fit for the role.

We have some strong connections in the Philippines. We've partnered with universities to spot talented college graduates who are ready to take on virtual assistant roles. So you can trust that your assistant will be smart, capable, and eager to help your startup grow.

Our virtual executive assistants don't just show up and start guessing how things work. We specially train them to cater to the unique needs of startup founders. With your super-skilled virtual executive assistant by your side, you can reduce that time-consuming work by 90%. It's like getting an extra day every week.


Hiring a virtual assistant – a futuristic concept? Nah! It's what you need at this very moment. A virtual assistant for your needs is an investment that pays off in the long run. These professionals are massive assets to any business for making sure that everyday operations work without a hitch. 

We agree that finding an ideal virtual assistant is not easy, especially when you are worried about keeping the virtual assistant's cost low. An alternative solution that works most of the time, if not a 100 out of 100, is to let the experts handle what they do best. 

At Pearl, we’ll do it all for you – from hiring vetted virtual executive assistants at the most affordable cost to training them for your business. Our pricing model is affordable with no recurring fees yet we offer high-caliber candidates. Is there anything more that you need? We’ll do that too. Just book a consultation and know how it feels to have the top talent on your side.

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The hiring process with Pearl Talent has been straightforward and seamless. Their attentive approach to understanding our specific needs and preferences truly stood out.
Head of Care Operations, AB Healthcare
Pearl Talent gave us an impressive pool of candidates, which made our decision-making process pleasantly challenging.
Co-Founder, ATC Research
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Co-Founder, Ambience Healthcare
With Pearl Talent, they started out by really understanding our needs with a thorough but also fast intake process.
CEO, Medra AI
I wish I found you guys years ago, because they [Pearl Talent] are way better than the sourcing I've been able to do on my own accord.
Founder, Pearl Technologies
Pearl Talent has been brilliant. I was unsure about what would happen but they spent a lot of time discussing my issues. They sent me two candidates for interview, both had been well screened and they have videos of themselves talking about what they have done.
Founder, CEO
My assistant is doing great - she's independent, a quick learner, and positively impacting some of our big projects.
Co-Founder, CEAD Group
Pearl Talent takes care of all the work you would normally invest in screening and hiring an assistant. They make the process easy, and provide support step by step along the way.
Partner, Darnel Fabrics
Our hire was able to pick things up quickly and has become accustomed to our company’s needs in such a short period of time.
HR and Recruiting, IF Labs
Our Pearl Talent-sourced EA+ has been a force-multiplier to our team, enabling us to shore up our back-end and day-to-day operations to focus on growth.
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Head of Talent Strategy and Culture, Next Step Talent
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Investor, Lorentz Bio
Pearl Talent helped us quickly fill an executive assistant role. She onboarded quickly and since then, has taken over running the logistics of my and other C-suite executives' lives at our company.
VP of Sales & Marketing, Arcus Power Corp.
Pearl Talent truly took charge of the entire process and with their personalized approach, they found individuals specifically tailored to my requirements.
Founder, ASRA
Working with Pearl Talent has been a fantastic experience! They helped us hire a candidate who's not just very intelligent but also kind and professional.
Co-Founder and CEO, Kiwi Biosciences
Since my hire started, my workflow rhythm has become five times more efficient. I'm genuinely excited about the growth of our partnership
Director, Science Startup Company
Pearl Talent has been brilliant. I was unsure about what would happen but they spent a lot of time discussing my issues. They sent me two candidates for interview, both had been well screened and they have videos of themselves talking about what they have done.
Founder, CEO
We've really enjoyed working with you and were very satisfied with the quality of applicants you proposed.
Investor, Lorentz Bio
Pearl Talent truly took charge of the entire process and with their personalized approach, they found individuals specifically tailored to my requirements.
Founder, ASRA
My assistant is doing great - she's independent, a quick learner, and positively impacting some of our big projects.
Co-Founder, CEAD Group
I cannot recommend Pearl Talent’s services enough. The quality of candidates they were able to provide us with was unmatched.
Co-Founder, Ambience Healthcare
Our Pearl Talent-sourced EA+ has been a force-multiplier to our team, enabling us to shore up our back-end and day-to-day operations to focus on growth.
Investor, Climate Capital
Working with Pearl Talent has been a fantastic experience! They helped us hire a candidate who's not just very intelligent but also kind and professional.
Co-Founder and CEO, Kiwi Biosciences
Since my hire started, my workflow rhythm has become five times more efficient. I'm genuinely excited about the growth of our partnership
Director, Science Startup Company
Our Ops Associate has added immense value from day one, leaving us wishing we had hired her sooner!
Head of Lab Operations, Vital
The hiring process with Pearl Talent has been straightforward and seamless. Their attentive approach to understanding our specific needs and preferences truly stood out.
Head of Care Operations, AB Healthcare
I appreciate the patience and flexibility that Pearl Talent displays throughout their selection process.
Head of Talent Strategy and Culture, Next Step Talent
Pearl Talent gave us an impressive pool of candidates, which made our decision-making process pleasantly challenging.
Co-Founder, ATC Research
I wish I found you guys years ago, because they [Pearl Talent] are way better than the sourcing I've been able to do on my own accord.
Founder, Pearl Technologies
With Pearl Talent, they started out by really understanding our needs with a thorough but also fast intake process.
CEO, Medra AI
Just interviewed a candidate and WOW you guys source fantastic people!
Co-Founder and CEO, Fella Health
Our hire was able to pick things up quickly and has become accustomed to our company’s needs in such a short period of time.
HR and Recruiting, IF Labs
Pearl Talent helped us quickly fill an executive assistant role. She onboarded quickly and since then, has taken over running the logistics of my and other C-suite executives' lives at our company.
VP of Sales & Marketing, Arcus Power Corp.
Pearl Talent takes care of all the work you would normally invest in screening and hiring an assistant. They make the process easy, and provide support step by step along the way.
Partner, Darnel Fabrics